Saturday, July 31, 2010

Unique Lighting – Poppy Lamp Designs by Serien

This whimsical lamp has some surprises in store – the poppy lampshade gradually opens up with heat! These artful mouth-blown glass blossom are available in a range of great colors, and each is perched on its own flexible, fabric-covered stem that you can twist and turn any which way. Create a trendy tangle of flowers overhead, spiral your sconces, and twist your tabletop lamps in a fashionable and functional way. These cute and quirky poppy lamps come in chandelier and sconce designs, as well as tabletop lamps ideal for reading or as a source of soft mood-lighting in any room.

New Lighting Fixtures – Babol lighting series by deMajo

This new Lighting Fixtures, Babol lighting series was designed by deMajo. The Babol lighting series features dreamy clusters of glowing “bubbles” in a line of pendant, wall-mounted and tabletop lamp designs. These coordinating lighting fixtures come in a variety of sizes to suit any space and function, all made of glossy white glass.

Modern Lighting – Furore Lamp by Lima De Lezando

It’s Modern Lighting Design, called Furore Lamp was designed by German designer Lima De Lezando. The Furore lamp consists of 7 differently formed steel-arms. Illuminating glass bodies are attached to the steel-arms. It is the perfect design object for contemporary interior design. With its gentle light Furore creates a comfortable and warm atmosphere.

White Color Theme Interior House in Piacenza, Italy

       Minimalist space, luxury, elegant, and modern? this is the answer. This 120 square foot loft is located upstairs in a house in Piacenza, Italy and owned by Romolo Stanco. Ground floor 81 square meters while the first floor is 42 square meters.

The ground floor is 81 square meter while a first floor is 42 square meter. The white color is dominating around the floors and hightlights the shadows, the distances and the independent elements like chairs, a sofa, a table and other furniture. When you enter the home you see an open space that seeks a balance between the linearity imposed by the long, parallel main walls.

The second floor bedroom is a box suspended over the larger main floor and reachable only by a set of stairs that seem to hover along the wall like a child’s zig-zag drawing. The white walls, ceiling and floors give you the sensation of relaxing in a wash of light.

The white walls, ceiling and floors give you the sensation of relaxing in a wash of light.

White Shelf Furniture Design as Home Decor Abstract

This is the design of furniture for the kitchen but can also be used as the interior of the house. Depending on the things of the wall paintings and interior decoration may desire most of all humans, from animal skins and cave paintings to modern art and decorative surfaces. Combining functionality and aesthetic appeal, modular wall rack system like this let people create their own combination of functional and storage of custom home decor minimalist.
Part of the appeal of this type of MDF Italian system is flexibility - the ability to slide the boxes and shelves around to fit the decorative element or another of any size width and height. Discounts are white by default by wood-tone accents this section are available as a well.Ã, Â Another key element though is the way this kind of design accommodates the mess: a bookshelf or a series of parallel symmetrical box straight and flat shelves, on the contrary, calls attention to what did not line up with the detailed attention to the organization as a whole.
Hidden metal brackets that reinforce the visual effect is just floating in space - slots for brackets and at the intersection of the individual panels also help to create a level of detail on a smaller scale to contrast with the overall composition. What is still missing, though, is some other material for the making of the mixture even more interesting - maybe glass shelves and boxes.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Furniture Design: Custom Cabinets Wood Shelves

Unique furniture design bookshelf. In a smaller condo or apartment can be difficult to plan or to sacrifice space for storage. However, when the rack can see this beautiful book and become an integral part of interior design hallway extraordinary, it becomes easier to make decisions.

In the era of digital fabrication technologies, making curved cuts more easily than ever before - particularly in materials like this average has a plywood rack horizontal and vertical supports. DHF + design studios have built a relatively simple task: pre-cut pieces and then put them together like a puzzle of three-dimensional.
Lack of shelf space for books and collected and ended opportunities coupled with a desire for an artistic solution was allowed to wrap-around, built-in solution. Overall unit built along the walls, but also made to wrap on the ceiling and create exciting and bumpy transition envelope space between the entrance and main room of the house alive.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Luxury Exclusive Garage Doors Design | Home Interior Favorite Design

Luxury Exclusive Garage Doors Design - high standards and impeccably good
Modern Garage Door Design

Exclusively outstanding modern design in garage doors up-and-over form of section and allow you to stamp his personal stamp of your property, the approach differs from the rest. With numerous design garage doors variants prepared stylish beautify the design, especially when combined with the design of garage doors, real hunters become the eyes and the expression of its high standards and impeccably good .

Luxury Exclusive Garage Doors Design - high standards and impeccably good

The experience and tested for up-and-over modern door opens with a swing-out action before his garage ceiling. A selection of over 30 styles of steel modern garage door and wood gives a very creative band.Modern and elegant sectional garage door opens vertically upwards. As a result, earn a place in front of and inside the garage door - a major advantage of shortcuts and large vehicles such as cars, vans and vehicle radio and television.

Luxury Exclusive Garage Doors Design - high standards and impeccably good

Luxury Exclusive Garage Doors Design - high standards and impeccably good

Furniture Design Two Functions: A Bed And TV

Furniture design two functions: Curved Canopy Bed and Built-In Projection TV

The first design: the design - even without the unique concept of built-in television - itself a sigh-worthy for fans of contemporary curves, lightweight materials, or only minimal white bed. but still curious about adding a canopy for privacy, aesthetic or functional reasons.
Long stretches of white fabric support may bend to the side of the AFP, the balance of flexibility to article STABILITY Dan Dan the framework of the canopy cover material. Ã, Â Danijel barring the entire piece can also be taken apart for washing articles, Danijel re-aimed as an interior room privacy screen Bedroom Danijel On the contrary. In many ways, the concept of Good Husband is more practical / efficient but also more appealing to the traditional canopy rely on excessive decoration for articles that make a statement.
For the design of the TV. Yes, you can project your favorite show on the surface of the canopy material as well, but warned: if you have difficulty sleeping, high-tech hybrid bed plus a built-in television will probably stay up later than you want. Joey Van den Berghe This was created as a project design school graduate theses, however, is so safe to say that he may not get much sleep well at the moment of creation.

Inspirational Interior Design of the Day : Simple White & Blue Bedroom

white blue interior design Inspirational Interior Design of the Day : Simple White & Blue Bedroom

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”- These are the words of the great Leonardo da Vinci, and I can say that these words are just perfect for today Inspirational Interior Design of the Day picture. This picture is from Betsy Burnham’s design firm – Instant/Space portofolio – Whittier Drive Residence. If you want to see this picture in a larger version you can check it here.


Alangkah enaknya punya kamar mandi yang bersih dan tidak pernah kena air.
Wah mana mungkin, apalagi orang Indonesia kebanyakan mandinya pakai gayung dan bak. Kapan lagi punya kamar mandi seperti ini?

Ide yang bagus bukan. Semua handuk kering dijadikan satu, dan kita mandi di bathcub dan nanti handuk basah di letakkan diluar kamar mandi supaya tidak bau.

Yang tidak kalah penting lagi adalah dekorasi bunga kering dan lampu.
Rasanya mandi kita nyaman dan lama keluarnya.....

Design ini memang tepat buat mereka yang tidak punya anak kecil. Tapi siapa tahu kalau anaknya sudah terbiasa pun dapat dicoba.


Saat ini zaman "Soho" tempat kerja bukan di kantor lagi tetapi di rumah. Di rumah dengan ruangan yang terbatas harus benar-benar dipikirkan gimana layoutnya.

Bagi yang punya rumah mungil , ini ide yang bagus karena ruang kerja yang sederhana sekali. Yang penting adalah ruangan ini steril dari tempat bermain anak maupun makan. Ada meja buat letakkan komputer , kursi buat duduk, penerangan yang cukup, ventilasi enak dan yang gampang sebuah lemari kecil buat file file .

Untuk menambah manis ruangan diberikan bunga sehingga waktu istirahat sebentar kita bisa melihat keindahan tanaman ataupun kesegaran baru.

Cocok bukan buat anda yang mulai business kecil2-an.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Ruang tidur adalah ruang yang paling personal dan tempat kita melepaskan segala kepenatan setelah sepanjang hari beraktiftas.

Dalam perkembangannya, saat ini kita telah mengenal modifikasinya yaitu penggunaan sofa bed dalam berbagai bentuk dan variasi, baik yang memiliki desain sederhana hingga yang mahal dan mewah.

Dengan memakai sofa bed, kita dapat meminggirkan atau melipatnya menjadi kursi maupun tempat duduk. Kita juga lebih leluasa melakukan aktivitas di sekitarnya sehingga ruang tidur akan terasa lebih luas dan lapang. Yang kedua, pemanfaatan ruang penyimpanan yang praktis dan kreatif. Kita dapat menghilangkan kesan kacau dan berantakan pada ruang tidur dengan cara membuat sistem penyimpanan barang yang praktis dan efektif. Karena itu kesan lega dan lapangnya ruangan dapat terwujud.

Jika ruang tidur kita tidak cukup besar , usahakan lemari yang hampir mendekati
langit-langit/plafon tetap harus dilakukan guna mendapatkan pemanfaatan yang maksimal, meskipun Anda mesti menggunakan bangku atau tangga untuk menjangkaunya.

Penggabungan meja rias yang terpadu dengan modul lemari built in dengan menggunakan kursi berupa puff yang dapat dimasukkan ke bawah meja akan sangat bermanfaat bagi ruangan yang sempit. Namun, tetap mengakomodasi kebutuhan pemiliknya dan banyak digunakan di lingkungan apartemen.

Daerah di bawah tempat tidur kadang menjadi ruang sisa yang kurang termanfaatkan dengan baik. Kita desain ulang bagian itu sehingga bagian bawah tempat tidur menjadi bagian yang menyatu dengan ranjang dan dapat dibuat rak-rak dan laci-laci.

Pengaturan peletakan furnitur. Untuk peletakan furnitur, sebaiknya kita meletakkan tempat tidur agak ke pinggir dengan menyisakan sedikit jarak (untuk meja nakas berikut lampu tidurnya) atau bahkan menempel ke dinding. Jangan justru meletakkannya di tengah. Dengan posisi semacam ini, ruangan akan terasa lebih lapang karena daerah yang terbuka atau bebas dari furnitur akan lebih besar dibandingkan meletakkan ranjang di tengah.

Kita juga dapat menghilangkan penggunaan meja nakas berikut lampu tidurnya dengan jalan membuat meja yang terintegrasi pada pojok tempat tidur atau menggunakan lampu tidur yang menempel pada dinding di belakang headboard atau kepala tempat tidur.


Ruang makan dengan furnitur serba kayu memang hangat, tapi perlu juga dihadirkan kesegaran di dalamnya. Supaya bersantap di dalamnya terasa menyenangkan.
Bunga diletakkan ditengah patut untuk memberikan sentuhan kesegaran.

Ada baiknya dipasang foto atau lukisan , mungkin lukisan buah2an atau makanan yang membuat selera makan kita bertambah melihat lukisan itu.

Jika memungkinkan ruang makan dibuat dekat dapur sehingga bagi kita yang masak mudah meletakkan hasil memasak dan bagi yang akan makan lebih mudah jika ingin mengambil makanan lagi.


Mendesign ruang tamu tidaklah mudah karena banyak yang harus diperhatikan elemen-elemen yang menjadi faktor penunjang atau utamanya.

Menata ruang tamu di rumah dengan ukuran yang bervariasi merupakan tantangan tersendiri. Selain harus layak untuk menerima tamu, kesan pertama dari ruang tamu adalah jendela awal dari pribadi pemilik rumah.

Demi kepraktisan, sebagian orang meniadakan ruang tamu di rumahnya. Di rumah-rumah yang mungil, ruang tamu fungsinya seringkali digabung dengan ruang lain. Misalnya tamu yang akrab langsung dipersilakan masuk di ruang keluarga. Sementara itu, tamu lain cukup diterima di teras rumah saja.

Yang terpenting, peletakkan tidak mengganggu alur sirkulasi dari pintu masuk ke ruang-ruang lainnya. Di rumah dengan ukuran ruang tamu yang cukup luas atau luas, bisa diletakkan sofa dengan ukuran yang cukup besar, misalnya dengan sofa 3-2-1 seaters dan dengan meja tamu dan meja sudut dengan peletakkan yang hampir sama dengan rumah mungil agar tidak mengganggu alur sirkulasi menuju ruang lainnya.

Home Bar Design by Jason J. Three Rivers, MI

"... Attached some photos I took the bar I had just finished. I purchased and used the instructions as you build the speedy construction of a template for my bar. Instructions are logical and very easy to follow. I decided to use corrugated galvanized metal for the front and sides of my bars to keep the look "stainless" steel, I was looking for. This works very well and low maintenance approach. "

Home Bar Design

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Home Bar Plans by G. Scott M. Buffalo, NY

Home Bar DesignsHome Bar Designs

"I actually ordered three different sets of plans bar, and I'm pleased to say that I chose you to build amazing results. And I want to share some photos with you. Planning for an easy to follow, and the bars come together with well I use 3 / 4 "oak plywood for the most part, and add beer to the back side of the ditch. I am very excited! Thank you for your assistance in putting together "." Pub Murray! "

Home Interior Decorating

We all love beautiful things. So, our homes must be the one of them, and therefore, the home décor is very important. Most of us enjoy making our homes more than a mere structure made up of four walls and a roof. Home decor styles range from a number of themes, designs, and materials.
While planning your home decor project, you can either opt for the theme being implemented throughout the house or use one specific theme for a specific room. For example, a house was once designed in such a way that each room was decorated with the styles of the different countries the home owner had visited. All rooms included authentic art and furniture from each visited country.

The Color Combination On Home Decoration|Home Interior Favorite Design

The Color Combination On Home Decoration from erikjohnsonphoto

Here are several Erik Johnson's collection of modern home interior decorationThe Color Combination On Home Decoration from erikjohnsonphoto, much of the photos are describing about the color combination on home decoration. The first picture describe you a modern home office with wooden floor and furniture. Below is the home decoration with dog picture, a similar color between the wall decoration and its furniture.
The Color Combination On Home Decoration from erikjohnsonphoto

This is another interior decoration ideas, a white color of the wall and flooring make this modern home looks clean and neat. erikjohnsonphoto

The Color Combination On Home Decoration from erikjohnsonphoto

The Color Combination On Home Decoration from erikjohnsonphoto

The Color Combination On Home Decoration from erikjohnsonphoto

New Concept Home Interior Design|Home Interior Favorite Design

New Concept Home Interior Design
New Concept Home Interior Design
New Concept Home Interior Design

are often asked about the origins of the profession – in the context of quality of life versus product. Has our modern quality of life driven our craving for high-quality design, or has design been more of a primary impactor in defining how they enjoy wellness? In this editorial, I will draw on my experience in London’s prestigious interior design
community to reflect on how the design system works from this point of view.

When interior designers start engaging with a potential client, they will often ask about function. What is the desired purpose and use of the room or residence? The answer to this query has a profound impact on everything they do. If a client is desperate for luxury high-end London extravagance in the form of a damask settee, they may recommend a synthetic damask fabric in lieu of cotton or satin for a household that includes young kids and a pet dog. Breathtaking interior designs are always the objective, but only in the context of compatibility with our clients’ unique London lifestyles.

Interior designers will work hard to understand client requirements from the beginning. Some professional London Interior Design consultancies will even have a series of highly structured interview questions that they routinely use. The interior designer will offer a free consultation at the client’s home – whether inside or outside London – to discover exactly what the client loves and hates about their current residence. Budget should be a conversation point from the outset. It is important to clarify whether the client prefers to be given fifteen different interior design options from which to select, or one or two.

In recent years, the London interior design community has seen a real upwelling in terms of social media and internet-enabled design opportunities.Two of the most positive results is that would-be clients are now much better informed regarding interior design themes and concepts. Londoners read articles like this two and start to get a sense of the interior design system even before they reach their front door or exchange our first set of emails!

Two area that can be challenging for the interior designer is when a husband and wife have different ideas about the desired outcome. This can happen regardless of whether the individuals are happily married or thinking about an imminent separation. The interior designer sometimes gets “caught in the middle,” which can cause real tension.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

New Inspiration Modern Beautiful and Diverse Interiors from SHH Share

SHH is a company based in London, founded in 1992. Interior design is not their only strong point, as the firm also takes on architecture projects. However, today we would like to show you how a room can be converted in a stylish and contemporary space in their vision. We’ve gathered up 15 different interiors which stand out and can become a real source of inspiration. Whether we are dealing with the living-room, the bedroom or the hallway, boredom is left out and surprising elements are added in order to create pleasant spaces. The white ones are airy and give the feeling of serenity, while the funky ones feed the more rebel spirits. Color and unusual light is present in some of the arrangements with great results. Which one would you go for?- via Desire to Inspire

New  Inspiration Modern Beautiful and Diverse Interiors from SHH Share

New  Inspiration Modern Beautiful and Diverse Interiors from SHH Share

New  Inspiration Modern Beautiful and Diverse Interiors from SHH Share

New  Inspiration Modern Beautiful and Diverse Interiors from SHH Share

New  Inspiration Modern Beautiful and Diverse Interiors from SHH Share

New  Inspiration Modern Beautiful and Diverse Interiors from SHH Share