Monday, January 31, 2011

Interior Design Bedroom Ideas Pink Girls

interior design rooms at preferred by many women and children in the world is pink, because pink color some people it is a symbol of softness and youth. Why many children and women prefer pink? because the pink color associated with a fairy princess or Barbie and every dream of every girl on the bedroom a charming red color easily. Below can see examples and ideas that are very interesting to make children happy with his bedroom

A Fresh Look at Modern Interior Furniture Design

Most of the modern interior designers are moving away from the good, old classic look, which is bulky and heavy, and moving to cleaner looking techniques for interior furniture design. They are also moving to new materials when choosing to design new furniture. This furniture may not be as comfortable as the older styles of furniture from past generations, but they provide many appealing

Modern Interior Design For Your Laundry Room

Laundry room is the place that probably slips in people's mind. Most of them tend to concentrate to design their living room, bed room, bath room, dining room and other part of the house. Actually, laundry room needs attention so that people can enjoy their room. It is not good when they have to wash their laundry lazily.Nowadays, people like to design their room by using simple modern style.

Welcome to Fersina Windows

Since its inception in Peterborough in 1987, Fersina Windows has come to the forefront of window design and manufacturing.

Fersina custom-manufactures a complete line of ENERGY STAR qualified windows designed for both new construction and replacement. Fersina windows are manufactured using solid vinyl frames and components. This provides low maintenance, high-energy efficiency and gives a very attractive appearance. Specialists in architectural windows and windows for historical homes, Fersina can turn your dreams into reality.

Fersina Windows produces a complete line of superior quality vinyl windows. No "good, better, or best" - Fersina manufactures only premium quality products for your new home and renovation needs.

Two standard window colours, custom colours and numerous glazing and frame options will turn your project into perfection.

Fersina Windows offers their products for sale to contractors, "do-it-yourselfers" and window dealers. We also offer installation of your new windows or doors by our factory-trained installation staff. When you deal with Fersina you are dealing with the manufacturer.

Fersina Windows facts:
* Peterborough and Whitby outlets
* Vinyl window manufacturer
* Vinyl door manufacturer
* Insulated steel doors and door hardware
* ENERGY STAR qualified products
* Phantom screens
* Storm doors
* Skylights
* Thermal glass units
* Shutters
* Garage doors
* Sales and installation provided from both locations

from :

Comfortable Luxurios Sofa Design

Best Livingroom Interior Design 2011

Best Bedroom Interior Design 2011

luxurious villa in Mallorca by Julia Palmer

luxurious villa in Mallorca by Julia Palmer
luxurious villa in Mallorca by Julia Palmer
Julia Palmer was design a luxurious villa in Mallorca. This villa in 1350 square meter areas including gardens, and offers beautiful view of the bay. The architects design this villa with elegant and luxury accents of colors reflecting the artwork & furniture as well as the colors of the Mediterranean to create a calm, elegant tranquil environment for a family to relax and enjoy. To get more information please visit Julia Palmer website.

Interior fashion : Bubble Sofa in luxury home furnishings

On the contrary, designers over at Versace have also been expressing their interest in luxury home furnishings. Their home line of Italian fashion delivers a new line of fashion and style with the Bubble Sofa. The sofa design is a unique approach to luxury furnishing and is available in two styles; white and clean or colorful and versatile. Each one delivers a bold spirit of individual interior fashion that is certain to give any room a fresh new attitude.

Interior fashion : Bubble Sofa in luxury home furnishings

Villa Amanzi by Original Vision Ltd at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand

Villa Amanzi by Original Vision Ltd at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand
Villa Amanzi celebrates a most unique contrasting experience of solidarity and openness. Architects Adrian McCarroll, Waiman Cheung and Jamie Jamieson of Original Vision Ltd realized this open and playful design on the extremely diverse landscape and terrain high above the Andaman Sea located at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand.
The 2,644 sqm design dutifully integrates notions of interior and exterior in the public and private realms by giving constant reference to the towering stone peaks and dramatic views of this wondrous site. The dynamic use of cantilevered features explore characteristics of spatial separation and identification inherent in the works of Frank Lloyd Wright, most notably Falling Water. The design also pays homage Mies Van deer Rohe’s Barcelona Pavilion as the terraces afford fine views that guide users through uninterrupted spans and transitory spaces where notions of indoor and outdoor are abandoned. The cantilevered swimming pool is the heart of the design.

Villa Amanzi by Original Vision Ltd at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand

Villa Amanzi by Original Vision Ltd at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand

Villa Amanzi by Original Vision Ltd at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand

Villa Amanzi by Original Vision Ltd at Kamala Beach in Phutek, Thailand

Exterior home design ideas

Exterior home design ideas you decided the colors for your home exterior to paint the exterior. Exterior home design are several factors that need to be decided before painting the exteriors. Exterior home design different types of home exterior painting ideas for different types of surfaces. Exterior home design like Doors and windows will require paints that are different .

Cafe Interior Design

Cafe Interior Design - Modern Interior DesignCafe Interior Design - Fullcolor Interior DesignCafe Interior Design - Bar Interior Design

Cafe Interior Design

Cafe Interior DesignCafe Interior Design - Modern Interior Design

Cafe Interior DesignCafe Interior Design - Fullcolor Interior Design

Cafe Interior DesignCafe Interior Design - Bar Interior Design

Float Above Ransa Sofa Books

The advantages of the sofa Ransa is that it really gives the impression of floating above the book. The more comfortable to read for hours on the couch Ransa pretty captivating. Storage of books on the sofa base to give the impression of floating above the bookOriginal dimensions allow you to really comfortable, you can lie as you see fit while having your favorite authors at your fingertips! 

Design Trends!

The final installment of my trip to Market was to look at the overall design trends for 2011.We saw a lot of furniture that mimicked Tara Shaw Maison and Aidan Gray - some were more rustic like Restoration Hardware, some were more chippy and distressed. There were a variety of price points and quality. But if you are interested in this look you will be able to find it at any price. My only

Design Trends!

The final installment of my trip to Market was to look at the overall design trends for 2011.We saw a lot of furniture that mimicked Tara Shaw Maison and Aidan Gray - some were more rustic like Restoration Hardware, some were more chippy and distressed. There were a variety of price points and quality. But if you are interested in this look you will be able to find it at any price. My only



L’agente della XXXXX mi ha estremamente deluso, in quanto sembra più un semplice venditore che un tecnico preparato….

Il rappresentante mi sembra un po’ approssimativo, ho persino la sensazione di saperne più di lui…..

Io capisco che mi vuole vendere la casa a tutti i costi, ma mi sono accorto che un sacco di voci sono escluse dal preventivo (e poi me le ritroverò dopo la firma)….

Ho dato il progetto ad una decina di aziende di case prefabbricate, per avere il prezzo migliore…..

Partiamo dal fondo. Una decina di preventivi per farsi redigere il prezzo più basso possibile.

Questo approccio nasconde due aspetti che non condivido. Se l’unico parametro di scelta è il prezzo più basso, viene a mancare del tutto il confronto qualitativo tra le varie aziende ed è inevitabile una decisione finale poco accorta, di cui spesso ci si pentirà a posteriori. Ma l’aspetto che mi colpisce maggiormente di questa frase è il carico di lavoro che andrà a gravare su 9/10 delle ditte (sempre che ci sia un’azienda di case prefabbricate che riesca a spuntare il contratto con questo signore).

case prefabbricateAnche il sottoscritto si occupa della preventivazione di case in legno per conto di una nota azienda tedesca e posso tranquillamente affermare che tra incontri (un paio almeno) e stesura prezzi (al primo calcolo si vanno quasi sempre a sommare alcune varianti) si perdono in media 8-10 ore a cliente.

Per non parlare delle trattative che proseguono per mesi… E’ un lavoro impegnativo, con costi vivi che non vengono rimborsati da nessuno, a totale carico dell’agente (telefonate, auto, stampe).

Questo blog ha tanti lettori che, prima o poi, si faranno fare dei preventivi dalle aziende di case in legno. Spero che possiate accogliere di buon grado il suggerimento di non approfittare del tempo e della pazienza di chi vi segue. E’ vero, molti venditori sono dei commerciali e non hanno una preparazione tecnica di base, ma conosco personalmente tanti agenti che possiedono un grande bagaglio di esperienza nel settore delle case prefabbricate in legno e che possono fornire una consulenza preziosa al cliente, un vero e proprio valore aggiunto.

Dopo aver indossato i panni dell’avvocato della difesa, passo senza pudore a vestire la toga dell’accusatore, poiché il ruolo dell’agente non può essere quello di un semplice informatore che racconta quanto sono belle le proprie case.

Il venditore ha il compito di fare da tramite tra l’acquirente e la ditta di case in legno e deve fornire risposte certe e precise alle domande.

Quando non sa, deve chiedere.

Quando non si può fare (e capita spesso), deve dirlo, rinunciando se necessario al potenziale contratto o proponendo alternative.

Quando stende il capitolato deve dire chiaramente cosa è compreso e cosa è escluso.

Quando si parla di contratti deve specificare le forme di pagamento, i diritti e i doveri del cliente.

L’interesse del cliente coincide con l’interesse dell’agente (che è quello della ditta).

Un cliente insoddisfatto, se va bene è cattiva pubblicità, se va male sono soldi e tempo persi.

Ci sono comunque molte ditte di case prefabbricate che hanno un proprio ufficio interno che si occupa direttamente di trattare con il cliente e che non prevedono il classico venditore di zona.

Decorating Magazines

Decorating MagazinesBoys Baby RoomsDecorating Magazines

Decorating Magazines

Decorating MagazinesBoys Baby RoomsDecorating Magazines

Interior Design Photos

Interior Design PhotosMarble Flooring DesignsArt Boys RoomHoney Pine Coffee TableTween Boys RoomLibrary Coffee TableBoys Room CurtainsKids Room DecorBedding Boys RoomRoom BoyLittle Boys RoomCurtains Boys RoomBoys Room PaintInterior Design Photos

Interior Design Photos

Interior Design PhotosMarble Flooring DesignsArt Boys RoomHoney Pine Coffee TableTween Boys RoomLibrary Coffee TableBoys Room CurtainsKids Room DecorBedding Boys RoomRoom BoyLittle Boys RoomCurtains Boys RoomBoys Room PaintInterior Design Photos

Bedroom Interior Design

When the weather turns for the worst, and the first signs of winter chill start to take hold, the miserable weather often inspires people to carry out some DIY in the house, and the very first thing that springs to mind is redecorating. Very often it is the bedroom that is first to get its makeover, but before deciding on the finer points of your interior designing efforts, some thoughts

Bedroom Interior Design

When the weather turns for the worst, and the first signs of winter chill start to take hold, the miserable weather often inspires people to carry out some DIY in the house, and the very first thing that springs to mind is redecorating. Very often it is the bedroom that is first to get its makeover, but before deciding on the finer points of your interior designing efforts, some thoughts

Beautiful Modern Coffee Table with Sound System

Here are Beautiful Coffee table with added Sound System. this coffee table designed by belgian designers Jerome spriet and wolfgang Bregentzer,this coffee table function added beats of quality sound system. Coffee Table is made from a polymer and mineral blend that combines the advantages of stone and plastic. Its shape follows the natural curves of an elastic membrane which, like its sound, fills the space suggestively. Here some collection of thiss coffee table design check out.